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Customer Reviews

Don't take our word for it, read what our satisfied customers have to say!

I just had to write you to let you know that the MicroFlora Advantage has helped me—tremendously—in under one week! I was so lucky when I phoned to place an order (our computer system was down at the office). You suggested the MicroFlora Advantage and it was the exact item that my body needed. The MicroFlora Advantage reduced my bloated tummy area to nothing—I was even bloated while having diarrhea and MicroFlora Advantage normalized it all so quickly. Thank-you!!!

- Judy T.

Why do I take both the MicroFlora Advantage and the Pro-Aloe Repair? Through much trial and error, I came across a probiotic and candida program that works over the long term and seems to help with many different aspects of health. Probiotics are very important and over the years I have taken different stains and amounts and had no noticeable difference in either bowel movements or energy. They just didn't do anything. After taking the MicroFlora Advantage for 3 days, I noticed an incredible difference in "what was coming out" and had this great sense that things were finally getting cleaned out properly.

I was definitely lighter! Energy levels improved after taking this product for about 2 weeks. I know that Candida is a constant issue for all women (and men too). It is very difficult to do a "Candida Cleanse" and give up wine, fruit, dessert and all enjoyment for 3 full months. You basically have to lock yourself away. Too many temptations especially when you are trying to "kill off" the Candida through diet. It is next to impossible. With the Pro-Aloe repair, I can be confident that my Candida is always under control, and my tissue is constantly being repaired. I don't have to do any crazy cleanses or put myself through the aggravation. I generally eat a very clear diet, and if I happen to fall off once in a while, I don't have to worry that the Candida will become unbalanced again. I will never give up these two supplements. I would say that they are the #1 most important and I will never miss taking the MicroFlora Advantage and Pro-Aloe Repair–ever!

- D.V.

After several years living Candida-free, it is creeping back again. Well, at least this time, I can catch it before I am debilitated with asthma, parasites, etc. Anyway, I just want to let you know that your MicroFlora Advantage product is the only probiotic that I have ever taken that has given me "die-off"; so, I know it must be of really excellent quality. Thank-you so much.

- Kathleen W.

Like most people a series of events led up to a time period where stress was impacting my life in a very negative way. Job related stress was very apparent during the 2007-2008 school year; and, subsequently I was diagnosed with ulcerated colitis. Several medicines were prescribed-- a fairly standard method of treatment--one of which was prednisone. About five months after being on prednisone with no appreciable results except weight gain, I started to take MicroFlora Advantage in the morning and Pro-Aloe Repair at night. As with the occurrence of medications, my body would not allow me to totally stop the use of prednisone. However, I also began to slowly feel an increased strength and intestinal healing.

During this time, I also made a concerted effort for lifestyle changes: refining eating habits, rebound exercise, swimming, jogging, in addition to my love of golf-- these all have sustained my daily health. The main point being, after a year and half, I have recently been able to go off prednisone completely. Inflammation has decreased dramatically and I can only suspect that the good results I have experienced are a direct result from the consistent daily use of the probiotics which led to such an accomplishment for me. It has now been three months going off prednisone and my doctor also concurs with me that the use of the above mentioned probiotics has had a profound impact on my digestive process. I would encourage anyone to give these products to try, commit to an extended use of time and allow your body to tell you how effective these probiotics can be.

- John M.

I'm a mother of a young man with autism. My son became austistic directly after receiving an intramuscular vaccine which left his leg impaired and triggered type 1 diabetes. He dramatically plunged into autism developing severe GI and inflammatory bowel issues as well as extremely low muscle tone. I tried every probiotic on the market to help control my son's yeast overgrowth, poor digestion, severe gut pain, and mal absorption issues that caused him to have 9 bowel movements a day. Everything seemed to help to a very limited degree; but, nothing was correcting the issues. Then a dear friend told me about MicroFlora Advantage and Pro-Aloe Repair. Approximately after three weeks of daily use, I started to see a difference. I feel that Pro-Aloe Repair contributed to decreasing his yeast overgrowth; and, for the first time in his life, he was having normal bowel movements.

I observed, that when my son had gut pain, just giving him the Pro-Aloe Repair would take the pain and discomfort away within a couple of hours; and, then his bowels would clear. With the MicroFlora Advantage I found his stools remained consistently firm and he began to have less and less bowel movements on a daily basis. He eventually had less discomfort with his GI track. That entire original inflammatory bowel just cleared up; my son started rebuilding much of the muscle tone that he had lost. We were able to potty train him and he eventually lost the gaunt emaciated look he had for many years and began looking healthy with normal muscle tone. I love these products. They have helped my son so much. They are number one in my book and I would highly recommend them for any child with autism.

- Becky

At the age of seven, my son Lukas had been on many different types of probiotics as I tried to heal his leaky get and free him from all the discomforts in his belly. He was so sensitive that he couldn't even take some probiotics. He'd react if the probiotic had casein in it and he would get very sick and throw up. When we finally found a probiotic he was good with we'd have to deal with the die off where his body got used to it and he'd bounced off the walls for a few days and have very difficult behavior. He's still got sick a lot and had constipation even on all these probiotics.

When a friend told me about MicroFlora Advantage, I figured, why not try it. After the first day of giving Lukas MicroFlora Advantage, he was the happiest I've ever seen him and he just looked like he felt great. I figured this was going to wear off eventually; but, he has been on it for four years and has been happy the whole time! He never had any die off or adjustment period. In fact, the only side effect of these probiotics has been sheer happiness! He has been be able to put on weight, eat more foods than before with less reactions, rarely gets sick and has been free of constipation for four years! Just to see my son happy and healthy has improved the quality of life for both of us! MicroFlora Advantage has been a true blessing and now we have been able to give him some of the Pro-Aloe Repair to work on healing the gut on an even deeper level. For anyone with an extremely sensitive allergic child, I would highly recommend this probiotic!

- Amy

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